
open school =)

woooo` open school =)
hmmm.. yesterday sleep at 4 am sumthing`
den wake up at 6am.
i know im pro`
no need sleep at all`
after bath` tied my hair`
aiyoo` my hair suck la`
keep flying`
haiz bu she de cut it`
suan nia`

reach school`
first saw wei them`
after say hi wif them` i meet xing rou`
she rebonding her ady`
hmm. not bad bar?
chun fai say my hair vry lala`
hmmm` will meh?
i think it as normal oni`
after that we go dewan to arrange our class`
hmmm... jun go anggerik`
of course de`
ying` man` loke go dahlia account class`
leave me ` yee and rou thr`
so nervous`
after that` i thought i will in art account`
cause my result` suck`
NND` teacher call my name in cempaka class`
what the fuck` engineering class`?
OMG` no partner at all`

when i saw my form teacher`
i almost scream`
the shortest teacher in our school!!!
she wan me b AJK PJK`
i dwn la of course`
den she wan me gve reason`
i say `
1st` saya bukan perempuan` ( P= pondan) xD
2nd` IM not lady`
3rd` 我不是女孩子`

all laughing` x)
i know im funny

after that i heard ying call me outside my class.
she ask me wan change class ant`
of course want la`
den go change`
teacher first ask me from what class go what class`
im pro mar` of course is cempaka go dahlia la` ( perasan xD)
den teacher agree it` and let me change`
wow` so easy`
see` PMR result really so important` x)

after that i have my recess time`
hmm` i know my hair so XXX`
but no need keep watch at me` i will malu de`

i keep asking ying`
will i regret change to accunt`
ying almost let me fan dao` hehez
finally` i call my mom`
mom wan me choose account`
kayz` taht my final decision`

we keep chit chat in class
about TVXQ`
i love u-know`
he's so cuteeeee =)
love it`

den i saw a shorty`
=.= siti suzana`
she is my sivik teacher`
why i keep meet her de`
i hate it`
den i run from class when she teaching`
when i came back` chun fai tell me`
got 2 guyz follow me run her class`
teacher keep say me bising`
lols` if im not bising`
teacher wil so boring`
cause. no ppl will talk wif u ler.
see. im treat u so good.
so` dun keep shout my name`
i know my name is nice =)

after school`
saw lok seng and danny`
so paiseh`
my ex` hazzz
danny wan touch my hair`
i run` he say me LC`
lols` im not LC`
i dun like ppl touch my hair`

my bus reach school at 1.45 pm`
so late `
haiz` if i walk back`
maybe reach home at 1.30 ler lor.

reach home`
cook my lunch`
sleep` im pigy` =)

nikki come my hse`
accompany her go take her phone`
her uniform` so funny`
and she tell me`
her hair is used up RM78 to cut it`
lols` so rich`
i speechless`

now blogging`
